Anyone in central FL reload 9mm in large quantities?

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  • sbk1198

    Sep 17, 2023
    central FL
    So back when the pandemic started and ammo prices and availability went crazy, I decided to get into reloading (like so many others did in 2020/2021). After changing jobs, relocating here, and getting busy with other things, I simply don't have the time or the desire to make time for this. I'll still reload rifle ammo, but I have no desire to deal with making 9mm. My setup is very basic, so it takes a few hours just to make like 200 rounds.

    One option I have would be to try and sell all the powder, bullets, cases, and primers that I have, but before I do that, I wanted to see if anyone in the area has a better, more automated loading setup for 9mm and would be willing to make them for me. We can work out some type of deal, like maybe I give you all the components I have in return for a smaller amount of rounds, or maybe I through a bit of cash your way depending on how much time it takes.

    I know the primers is the lowest amount I have, at 1600 SPP's. I have almost 3000 bullets (124 and 147 grain), roughly 2500ish brass cases I think which to my knowledge have only been fired once and enough powder to load about 4000-5000. I'm in Volusia County. If anyone around here is interested and can do this, let me know. Otherwise I may end up selling everything I have for loading 9mm.


    Feb 20, 2014
    Central Florida
    It really won't take much time to load 1600 rounds... I've been using a single-stage RCBS for almost forty years.

    Just work at it when you can, an hour here, an hour there.


    Sep 17, 2023
    central FL
    It really won't take much time to load 1600 rounds... I've been using a single-stage RCBS for almost forty years.

    Just work at it when you can, an hour here, an hour there.
    It can be pretty time consuming, which is why I haven’t loaded any in about 2 years. This past weekend I did 200 rounds and it took me about 4 hours start to finish. Granted I had some distractions and I know I’ve done faster but about 1.5 hours per 100 rounds is about the absolute best I can do. Since I have enough components for 2500-3000 rounds I would probably want another box of primers to be able to get that and at that point it would end up being easily 40 hours of sitting in the garage doing it. I just don’t have the time for that now.
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